It will take ALL of us to win the contract we need to create the learning conditions our students deserve.

We are stronger together! Join your union today!

Victory! In June 2022, due to long-term workplace issues affecting non-tenure track faculty members at SCU, an overwhelming majority of SCU full-time and regular part-time lecturers, senior lecturers, quarterly/semester adjunct lecturers, dean’s executive professors, professors of practice, adjunct professors, and academic year adjunct lecturers at SCU voted to form a union with SEIU 1021!

Our elected bargaining team has now begun the process of negotiating our first contract with the administration based on priorities expressed by lecturers.

In order to win the contract that will support all of us and our students, we need a robust union membership. We all need each other: we need YOU! 

We are half of the SCU faculty. Our solidarity and strength is in our numbers. 

The more union members we have, the greater things we can accomplish!